Strona w budowie, dzięki za wyrozumiałość


Love Does Not Exclude Association — Stowarzyszenie Miłość Nie Wyklucza

We are a national non-governmental organization committed to introducing marriage equality in Poland.

Our goal is to ensure the right to marry for all, regardless of their sexual orientation and gender identity.

  • We believe that full equality means marriage equality for all.
  • We believe that all families have the right to be happy, safe and respected.
  • We believe that Love Does Not Exclude.

Love Does Not Exclude was founded in 2009 (at first as an informal group) by a team of activists, volunteers and allies committed to securing full equality for LGBT+ persons, especially in terms of their right to marry. Based in Warsaw, we work on a national level, cooperating with several LGBT+ organizations as well as other groups, institutions and individuals who share our ideals of equality.

Our goals

  • To educate and to promote the idea of marriage equality in Poland
  • To build a community of allies, public persons, non-governmental organizations and political parties supporting the right to marry for all
  • To support and strengthen the LGBT+ community in Poland
  • To gather knowledge and know-how
  • To create legal tools enforcing equality of LGBT+ persons in Poland.

Our Successes

In 2013 we were the first NGO in Poland to present the idea of marriage equality as a legal postulate of the LGBT+ community. We had developed a strategy, drafted a bill, and launched an always-on social campaign on the issue.

Today our campaigns reach an audience of more than 1 million people and the three pillars of our Strategy (campaigning, community building, and legal and advocacy work) remain crucial to all our efforts.

In 2019 we gathered more than 30 LGBT+ organisation from all over Poland at a First LGBT+ Congress to build a consensus over a joint Declaration listing the most important legal postulates of our community. Our draft was accepted and became the first document of its kind in the history of the movement.

Today marriage equality is accepted as one of the main postulates by all LGBT+ groups in the country.

In 2015 we launched a coalition which lead strategic litigation against Poland at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.

In 2023 we won! The Court decided that Poland breached the European Convention on Human Rights by not providing any legal protections for same-sex couples and parents.

In 2012, 2013, and 2018 together with our political allies we managed to put 3 drafts of bills on civil unions into Polish parliament.

In 2020 our draft of bill on marriage equality has been presented as a part of presidential campaign of one of the candidates.

Thanks to our work, in 2024 marriage equality became the golden standard and point of reference druing political negotiations on the first draft of a governmental civil unions bill.

Get in touch!

You can get in touch with us at kontakt[at] or via Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter/ X.

Support Love!

We put a lot of work to maintain diversified sources of funding with a strong emphasis on donations from our community and allies. Our work focuses on social and legal change which makes it political. Not relying on funding from public institutions allows us to retain independence and talk with any government on equal footing.

Make a donation for Love! Help us strengthen LGBT+ community and introduce marriage equality in Poland!

Bank transfer details

Stowarzyszenie Miłość Nie Wyklucza
ul. Wspólna 61/102, 00-687 Warsaw, Poland
Bank BNP Paribas
IBAN: PL61 2030 0045 1110 0000 0357 3360

…Or use the form below

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Dopisz się i dostawaj ważne informacje od Miłości! 🙂

Miłość nie spamuje. Wysyła natomiast informacje o ważnych sprawach i działaniach, w które możesz się włączyć – tych mniejszych i większych, w zależności od tego, na co możesz i chcesz sobie pozwolić. A wszystko po to, żeby umożliwić Ci wpływ na poprawę sytuacji społeczności LGBT+ w Polsce. Ale też po prostu być dobrze poinformowaną osobą.

Mail jest pewniejszą formą kontaktu niż social media. Tu nie dzieli Cię od Miłości zmienny algorytm zależny od anonimowej korporacji. Od Ciebie zależy więc to, czy otrzymasz maila, ale też to, czy zapoznasz się z jego treścią 🙂

Najważniejsze: razem serio możemy więcej! A bycie w kontakcie to najmniej, co możemy wspólnie zrobić 🙂

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